2014 Professional Development Planning
Shawnee High School Teachers have the option to join discussion groups for the following topics:
- Basic Computing Techniques and Questions
- Eboard Ideas
- Google Documents, Spreadsheets, Forms, and Presentations Ideas- Collaboration and assessment tools.
- Build a free website using Google Sites.
- Build a free Website using WordPress.
- IPad Apps Discovery Group
- Edtech tools in your classroom discussion group.
- Share a lesson you think is awesome discussion group.
- Digital Design and Layout Group-Photoshop, Editing Files for Presentations.
- Flipped classroom video creation tools, delivery and assessment.
- Join the Schoolwires Pilot Program Group.
and anyone can sign up for the group here.
We will use Wiggio for group discussion via email, or it can be set up for text messages. The goal is to share useful information with everyone. You can post messages to the group in Wiggio or send a group email using the group address. Replies via email or Wiggio will be sent to the group; you can set your mail preferences when you log in to Wiggio. If you’d like more information on using Wiggio in your classes or clubs click here:
It has been very useful for Shawnee TV!