23 Aug

Persistence: Be a solution giver, process helper, and resource linker.

Havelock and Zlotolow (1995) defined change agents as “solution giver,” “process helper,” and “resource linker” (pp. 9-10)

Solution Giver:

How do we collaborate with professionals and other classrooms in our schools and around the globe?  How do we quickly facilitate collaboration, assessment and feedback with students?

Connect with a video chat, public forum, or shared document.  How?

Process Helper:

Free video chat applications:

Google+ Hangout (Video Chat)




Public Forums:

Shared Google Spreadsheets

Shared Google Docs:


Commenting in Google Docs on Student Work


Resource Linker:

Use hyperlinks in websites, public forums, emails, documents, ect…  Hyperlinks give one click access to the reader.

Hyperlink and Embed Examples for Teachers Websites


Fullan (2007) suggested that “moderately complex changes of innovation integration can take from 3 to 5 years, while larger scale efforts can take 5 to 10 years”

“Like in your classroom, by the time you are in  your third or fourth year, you are really starting to look more closely at what is helping children learn.”


Hsu, P.-S., & Sharma, P. (2008). A case study of enabling factors in the technology integration change process. Educational Technology & Society, 11(4), 213–228.


  1. Margaret Halbe
    August 23, 2010

    Brian I was simultaneously thinking I needed to get a tutorial on skype-ing and I checked out your site and there it was! Great job! Thanks!

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