03 Mar

Lesson Combining Metacognition, Writing, Speaking, & Listening

Do you have a lesson idea involving metacognition? Please share it as a comment below.

Larry Fellarzo added a new article to his post on “Another Lesson Combining Metacognition, Writing, Speaking, & Listening” that sparked some ideas for writing in my classes.

I mention metacognition frequently in my classes, often describing how I think in different situations. I also ask students questions on how they think. My favorite line of questioning starts with asking about “the zone.” Have you ever been in the zone? What are you doing? How does it feel? Have you been there while learning? Have you been there while reading? Have you been there while writing? What was the environment like? How do you get there quickly and easily?

Metacognition and self-feedback (in the form of thinking about how to write or perform effectively) presents students with experience in higher level thinking and writing.

Thank you Larry for sharing a great lesson:


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