
  1. April 14, 2011

    I have two daughters 17 and 15. They both use facebook occasionally especially the 15 yo. They both don’t use IM or email anymore. Mostly they text. Thousands of texts a month.

  2. April 14, 2011

    I also see a large amount of texting with my students. I guess that is more direct than other forms of communicating.

    I’m surprised that the article puts skype ahead of facebook in the amount of students observed. It must be due to the school blocking it.

  3. bill seng
    April 16, 2011

    text, text, text and more text….I’ve observed some using apps like textfree (or similar) to chat via wifi off of their cell (this would shut out parental monitoring too). There’s some twitter use, almost ALL have a facebook page (not sure how active), but not nearly that many have a skype account as her report suggests. When we skyped the Aunt of a student (who lives in Okinawa) last month just after the big earthquake, I could tell that many if not most of the students in my class had never used or even seen skype before. Email to most of my students is considered much more formal communication (like something they send to a teacher or to their grandparents). Very interesting article…thanks Brian!

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