01 Jan

52 Weeks To Live On Your Own Path: Your Goal Setting Year Will Change Your Trajectory.

This is a proven, documented, goal setting process, plain and simple.  

Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.

-Pablo Picasso

What would happen if you set a time where you know you are undisturbed in a high energy state where you can focus on the most important things you value in your life?

Does that sound like something you could commit to?

Here’s How It Works

10 minutes per week for you to laser focus your energy on the highest and best use of your time.

Here’s Why You Should Commit As Soon As Possible

It’s only 10 minutes a week.

What if you did this 52 times?

Can you picture yourself in exactly 1 year?

Would you be more focused, moving in directions you want to go instead of be lead in directions not of your choosing or the alerts in your social feeds?

Can you picture yourself if you didn’t focus for 10 minutes- 52 times this year?

What would the difference be?

Would you be better off if you did?

If you say yes, pull up that calendar on your phone and begin or click here for a worksheet once a week for 52 weeks.

Have a courage moment.

“Would you be able to take 20 seconds of courage every day?”

Darren Hardy author of The Compound Effect uses this question to destroy fear and reframe the feelings during critical decision making.  Use the feeling as a guidepost to trigger positive habits that you know will benefit your life.

In other words…
Here’s the definition of courage…. KNOWING you will experience fear, but doing it anyway! -Darren Hardy

Do that now.  Here is a 20 second courage moment.  Invest in your future self.  Convince yourself.  What if you spent 10 minutes, once a week, connecting with the most important information or people you need for your journey.  What is the highest and best use of your time on Earth?

Commitment: 100% is easier than 98%.

Pull out the phone, set a weekly reminder, 10 minute window. Is it Sunday morning or evening, or Monday? It’s only 10 minutes.  Give yourself a reward afterward, I choose apple juice for my reward.  Choose yours.

Here is the process (this is the worksheet if you sign up):

Set A Date and Time

Clearly establish a time when you know you are undisturbed, when you know you can be in a high energy state and focus for a very short time on the most important goals.  Use a calendar or app, I use Google Calendar and set up an event that re-occurs.  I also use an alarm.  I’ve found that my peak state is in the morning, after coffee, and I’ve been able to systematically move my wake up time back 2.5 hours to earn about 2 hours of “in the zone” time before the world wakes up.  

Write It Down

Use a notebook and/or make a doc.  I like to use my laptop and Google Docs so I have it everywhere including my phone. Here is a template and example on a Google Doc, log in to your account and click file>make a copy if you’d like to use it.

I also hand write in a notebook daily tasks.  Crossing things off the list as they are completed is a great feeling.

Keep It Short

Work for exactly 10 minutes, set a timer.

Reward Yourself

At the end give yourself a reward.  I like apple juice, so that is my go to after my goal setting session.  Celebrate every time and you will groove the habit.

Revisit And Revise

Each week goals will change, goals will drop off and new goals will be added.  Converting your thoughts into things, words on a page, transforms into actions, things start happening, intentional action brings about progress.  Notice the feeling of crossing something off the list.  Celebrate.

Here Is The Goal Setting Template:

It’s broken into 2 sections, Mind Dump Task List and Categorize.

Mind Dump Task List

Eliminate repetitive thinking by mind dumping everything on your mind.  Once it’s on the page, then categorize and prioritize. Earn perspective and start chipping away at the important stuff.


Defining the categories you need is a clarification process. These categories and the value attributed to them will be different for each person.  Once you define them, set goals for each category each session. Try to be specific, breaking things down into smaller steps with deadlines as near to immediate as possible.  Believe you can do it and get to work on those goals.

Pick a few categories below to try each session. 

Category suggestions from my favorite top selling books (*affiliate links below if you’d like to buy the books):

Spirituality, Contribution/GivingFamily and Friends, Personal Growth and Development, Health and Fitness, Finances, Career/Business, Physical Environment, Fun Recreation, Significant Other/Romance -Hal Elrod, Miracle Morning, “Level 10” Habits

Spiritual, Family, Relationships, Physical, Financial, Business, Lifestyle, Mental Darren Hardy -Darren Hardy, Living Your Best Year Ever

Spiritual, physical health, personal, key relationships, job, business and financial. -Gary Keller- The One Thing

Health, Wealth, Love, Happiness – Tai Lopez

Here Is An Example

Mind Dump Task List

  • Have to get follow up done @10am.  Clean kitchen, stretch now, exercise when Zoey wakes up, 5 sets of 20 air squats, 5 sets of 20 push ups, 5 sets of 20 sit ups.  
  • Shopping trip, bike ride.
  • Food plan for the week, shop online have it delivered
  • Finish bathroom design, get permit, research shower pan, call 3 plumbers, price tile, vanity
  • Finish kitchen design, research cabinets, appliances, counter, demo half wall and soffits, insulate, built-in island, sell table, move closet door 
  • Write in journal daily gratitude and history



  • Read Bible Plan in Youversion App
  • Pray and Gratitude
  • Meditate 10 minutes

Physical Health

  • Eat unprocessed, think more veggie intake, lots of water
  • Vitamins after toothbrush
  • Breakfast- Oats, chia, flax, peanut butter, honey, water
  • Lunch- Spinach, kale, broccoli, cucumber, feta, chicken, vinaigrette
  • Dinner- Salmon, rice, broccoli
  • Run 1-2 miles 2-3x this week
  • 5 sets of 20 air squats, 5 sets of 20 push ups, 5 sets of 20 sit ups 3-4x this week
  • Stretch/Yoga 3x this week


  • Surprise fun event for the family
  • Cook everyone’s favorite dish
  • Plan a getaway, pick a time, date and place
  • Plan a talk date, pick a time, date and place
  • Call Grandma, Mom, Dad, Sister, 2 friends

Key relationships

  • Research the top 50 key players and distributors talking about the same thing I am
  • Send 10 emails
  • Send 10 DMs
  • Send 10 @ replies
  • Call 10
  • Start a podcast, book the first 4 interviews


  • Document and make training videos on all processes I perform
  • Hire and train someone to do the job


  • Focus on serving
  • Listen empathetically
  • Ask good questions, go deeper into implications and second and third order effects.


  • Tithe 10% of net income
  • Invest 10% of net income
  • Track and budget down to the penny with Mint.com

Here are a few great goal setting books:


  1. Brian Pistone
    January 20, 2020

    Feel free to comment with questions or feedback. I enjoy revising this article to make it more helpful.

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