Google Goggles lets anyone with a camera-phone take a picture of text and use it for searching the web. It’s awesome for storing business card information, without having to manually enter in the text. It also identifies a variety of
Here is a link to subscribe to a bundle of feeds that I am currently subscribed to in my Google Reader, including Steve Dembo‘s list of Google Certified Teachers. The list has been very inspiring and growing fast.
There are some really intelligent ways to search Google. I take for granted the multitude of options for searching. Everyone “Googles”, here are some ways to dig deeper and smarter:
Related Articles Search Google Docs, Emails And Sites
We all have our daily routines: Wake up, brush teeth, shower, grab fresh coffee (prepared and left on the timer from the night before), head out the door…
Somewhere along the way we reconnect and share with the world. Traditionally